Tag: zur

Excavator mounted machine for slope seeding / Baggeranbau-Gerät zur Böschungsansaat

ID: 3196
year/Baujahr: ca. 2000

ID3196 Excavator mounted machine for slope seeding year/Baujahr ca. 2000 Excavator mounted machine for slope seeding with quick coupler Lehnhoff MS10 Baggeranbau-Gerät zur Böschungsansaat mit Schnellwechsler Lehnhoff MS10

Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://www.bosch-baumaschinen.de/excavator-mounted-machine-for-slope-seeding-baggeranbau-geraet-zur-boeschungsansaat/

Pedershaab Multiflex – Plant for production of concrete pipes

ID: 2149

ID2149 Pedershaab Multiflex – Plant for the production of concrete pipes Plant for the production of concrete pipes, little used, with concrete feeder, with 10 jackets for 1m pipes, with 4 cores (300, 400, 500, 600 mm diameter) for 1m …

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Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://www.bosch-baumaschinen.de/pedershaab-multiflex-plant-for-production-of-concrete-pipes/